Saturday, 31 March 2012

My Liqa'


# Post guna bahasa ibunda lah pulak  ^_^

Sebenarnya nak share la sesuatu yang aku dapat hari ni. Sehingga membuatkan aku berfikir banyak kali. Berfikir dan terus berfikir. Nak dijadikan cerita, tengahari tadi aku pergi Liqa' aku dekat cafe. So, korang tau tak ape tuh liqa'? Liqa' atau usrah atau bulatan gembira adalah suatu kumpulan yang mane diketuai oleh seseorang yang dipanggil naqib/naqibah yang mane beliau akan saling menasihati atau share sesuatu kepada ahli kumpulan bagi tujuan untuk mendekatkan diri dengan Allah. Lebih kurang macam tuh la, aku pun tak berapa arif dalam bab memberi definisi sesuatu perkara. 

Naqibah aku adalah seorang kakak yang sangat aku respect, sangat aku kagum dengan keperibadian beliau, sangat sejuk mata memandang. Tidak pernah lekang dengan senyuman.
Walaupun jujur lah aku cakap, aku lah orang yang paling tak rapat sekali dengan beliau, berbanding sahabat aku yang lain, mungkin sebab aku dah di "blacklist" gara-gara kemalasan aku untuk turun join Liqa'. Namun dalam diam, aku menyimpan suatu perasaan untuk mencontohi beliau. Aku sedar, siapa jelah aku ini berbanding sahabat liqa' aku yang jauh lebih baik daripada aku. Bagai langit dengan bumi. Mereka lebih terkehadapan dari aku, mereka punya lebih banyak ilmu agama, mereka lebih bijak berbicara, dan obviously, mereka memakai tudung labuh tetapi aku sebaliknya. Jadi wajarlah untuk aku nyatakan di sini, aku berbeza dalam kalangan mereka.

Bagi perisian kami kali ini adalah, kami perlu sediakan kertas dengan pen, kemudian akak naqibah suruh senaraikan 20 impian kamu sepanjang keberadaan kamu di universiti ini. Bukan kah kami punya tiga tahun lagi sebelum graduate, jadi kami perlu nyatakan apakah impian kami dalam jangka waktu tuh la. So, korang nak tau tak ape yang aku tulis? Ni aku type balik, aku tak tipu tau.

1.  Dapat dekan
2.  Nak ramai kawan
3.  Nak jadi rajin
4.  Nak try buat program sendiri
5.  Nak berbisnes sendiri
6.  Nak dapat Leftenan Muda
7.  Nak improve speaking
8.  Nak cakap arab fluently
9.  Nak sumbang sesuatu untuk universiti
10. Nak bawak kereta sendiri 
11. Nak jadi lebih berdisiplin
12. Nak dapat anugerah
13. Nak jumpe face to face dengan NC/Dekan
14. Nak tingkatkan softskill
15. Nak mahir Photoshop
16.Nak amalkan apa yang di belajar
17. Nak homat orang lain, supaya mereka jua bisa hormat kita
18. Nak balance duniawi & ukhrawi
19. Nak pandai bagi tazkirah
20. Nak belajar & tingkatkan ilmu sebanyak yang mungkin.

Haaaa, banyak tak impian aku? Gara-gara masa yang diberikan pun, tidak lah lama. Maka aku tulis lah sebahagian yang aku ingin capai. Belum tentu semua tercapai. Tapi aku percaya dengan prinsip, kalau anda nak, kalau anda betul-betul nak, pasti dapat. Dipendekkan cerita, akak naqibah suh pilih lima impian yang sangat-sangat anda impikan. Arahan ini yang membuatkan aku bingung, lantas aku ambil masa yang sangat lama untuk memilih. Aku jadi tak tentu arah pulak, sebab tak dapat nak decide yang mane satu impian yang sebenarnye aku nak. Jadi aku pilih jela lima yang terbaik untuk aku.

Lima perkara ini, aku rahsiakan lah dari korang. Sebab aku rase, korang pun tak nak tahu kot. Biarlah empunya belog ni je sorang yang tahu apa yang diinginkan atau yang dicapai dalam masa terdekat ni. Lepas tuh, akak tuh cakap,

 "andai kamu ditakdirkan kemalangan, masuk ke dalam ICU misalan, kamu tahu kamu punya waktu yang sangat suntuk, sila pilih satu sahaja perkara yang kamu ingin lakukan sebelum kamu pergi."

Aduhh, saat tuh, aku memang betul-betul terpana. Aku tak tau la nak cakap macam mane. Sebab sah-sah lah pilihan aku telah jauh tersesat dari landasan yang sebenar. Aku ibarat ade besi besar dari langit, turun jatuh, terhantuk kene kepala aku time tuh. Hadess, sakit nye bile kene! Aku renung kembali, kesemua impian yang aku tulis tuh tadi. Banyak persoalan datang bertubi-tubi, kalau betul lah aku mati esok, adakah ini impian yang aku hendak lakukan? Yang mana aku perlu dahulukan? Impian aku ini adakah hanya semata-mata untuk kesenangan dunia? Jawapan nya, ya! Aku tidak nafikan, kepentingan dunia bisa mengaburi mata seseorang. 

Aku jadi segan sangat time tuh. Apatah lagi akak naqibah suruh share pilihan impian yang satu ini dengan sahabat-sahabat lain. Aku kagum malah cemburu mendengar satu persatu impian mereka.

"impian saya adalah untuk menjaga hubungan dengan Allah, rasul,ibu bapa dan sahabat"-kata sahabat aku
"حبل من الله وحبل من الناس"

Macam-macam perkara yang diulaskan semula tentang aktiviti kami tadi. Aku, baru tersedar. Alhamdulillah, andai aku boleh sedar, aku nak sahabat-sahabat aku yang lain juga turut sedar. Alangkah syok nya kalau kita masuk syurga ramai-ramai, berbanding sorang-sorang je. Betol tak ? Jadi, aku rasa tak rugi aku join liqa' tadi walaupun permulaan kalam, aku rasa tak ikhlas nak pergi. Allah tuh Maha Mengetahui & Maha Penyayang terhadap hamba-hamba-Nya. Ubah la mentaliti anda semua, aku seru terutama mahasiswa mahupun mahasiswi yang hanya mengejar pointer semata. Itu bukan lah matlamat utama, insyaallah tajdid niat & berusahalah!

Sekian, itu sahaja perkongsian aku. Apa yang baik, jadikan teladan, yang buruk korang abaikan disandarkan atas kelemahan diri aku ini. Wallahua'lam.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Albi Nadak from Fares.

Assalamualaykum :)

Lately, I was too busy with the assignments. Until i forgot to update my lovely blog. Huhu, btw i would like to share about the song i used in my blog. For me, it was meaningfull because the lyrics was awesome. I started to hear after someone post, and i'm attract to it so much. Hmm i think almost more than hundred times i hear this song. So here the lyrics, Lets sing together! 

ليك, أنا ملك ليك،
تعالى قرب ضُميني محتاج إليك،
ليك وروحي فيك،
ياحب عمر انا عمري كله هاعيشه ليك.

هواك هو الحياة،
وانت اللى انا بعشق هواه،
كان قلبي مناه،
اجمل ملاك يكون معاه.

ياه قلبي نادك واتمناك تبقى انت ويايا،
ياه بعد السنين شوق وحنين الاقيك هنا معاي،
ياه ضُميني ليك ده انت حبيبي حياتي ليك،
وحعيش عمري عشان عينيك،
وعمري فداك.

ياه قلبي نادك واتمناك تبقا انت وايايا،
ياه بعد السنين شوق وحنين الاقيك هنا معايا،
ياه ضُميني ليك ده انت حبيبي حياتي ليك،
وحعيش عمري عشان عينيك،
وعمري فداك.

ايه, أحتاج لايه،
لو كنت جنبي معايا دايما قولي ايه،
ياه ده انا من زامن،
محتاج لقلب يحس بيّه واحس بيه.

هواك والحاية،
وانت لى انا بعشق هواه،
كان قلبي موناه،
اجمل ملاك يكون معاه.

ياه قلبي نادك واتمناك تبقا انت وايايا،
ياه بعد السنين شوق وحنين الاقيك هنا معايا،
ياه ضُميني ليك ده انت حبيبي حياتي ليك،
وحعيش عمري عشان عينيك،
وعمري فداك.

ياه قلبي نادك واتمناك تبقا انت وايايا،
ياه بعد السنين، بعد السنين الاقيك هنا معايا،
ياه ضُميني ليك ده انت حبيبي حياتي ليك،
وحعيش عمري عشان عينيك،
وعمري فداك.

 Translation in English
For you, I belong to you
Come, approach, embrace me, I need you
For you, and my soul is in you
Hey love of my life, I will live my whole life for you

Your passion is life
And you are the one who I love his passion
My heart wish was
The most beautiful angel be with him

Oh my heart called you 
And wished you to stay to be with me
Oh , after these years, longing and nostalgia
I found you here with me
Oh , hug me to you, you are my lover,
My life is for you
And I will live my whole life for your eyes
And my life is a sacrifice for you
(and my life is in your hands)
Oh my heart called you 
And wished you to stay to be with me
Oh, after these years, longing and nostalgia
I found you here with me
Oh, hug me to you, you are my lover
My life is for you
And I will live my whole life for your eyes
And my life is a sacrifice for you
(and my life is in your hands)
What? What do I need?
If you were beside me, with me, always
Tell me, what?
Oh, from a long time ago,
I need a heart which can feel me and I can feel it
Your passion is life
And you are the one who I love his passion
My heart wish was
The most beautiful angel be with him
Oh my heart called you 
And wished you to stay to be with me
Oh, after these years, longing and nostalgia
I found you here with me
Oh , hug me to you, you are my lover 
My life is for you
And I will live my whole life for your eyes
And my life is a sacrifice for you
(and my life is in your hands)
Oh my heart called you 
And wished you to stay to be with me
Oh, after these years, longing and nostalgia
I found you here with me
Oh, hug me to you, you are my lover
My life is for you
And I will live my whole life for your eyes
And my life is a sacrifice for you
(and my life is in your hands)

Friday, 23 March 2012

PLKN- Is it hard?

Alpha Semarak Api

Actually i wanna post this one since last week, unfortunately i've got a lot things to do. So, welcome homiee  to my brother!! A wira from National Service [PLKN]. I'm so proud of you. Even he maybe didn't read my post. Btw, i'm also one of the ex-Wirawati. But the things is, my bro got higher marks than me when shoot the M16. Aiseyy-man!

Remembering back all the memories makes me feel like wanna go there again. Huhu, mine was in PLKN KEM PELANGI HILL RESORT, a new camp and almost the most beautiful places i think. If u're not believe me, try google my camp's name and see the beautifulness. Hoho. Compared to my bro places, at one state of Perak, a small campside, and if you want to know there a death of one of the pelatih because of the Leptospirosis # in Malay we called as Kencing Tikus.

Huaa, quite scary meh? But alhamdulillah my bro and his friends safe from this illness. Just as reminder for a new or future Wira/Wirawati, you should take care of yourself hokay! Before this, i'd post about the PLKN but in my fb only, so if u're free, read all those my experience there below. But this one in Malay coz i'm the Malay and i'm proud of it :P

In The Name Of Allah
The Most Gracious
Most Merciful.
Assalamualaykum! Hello there (hehe style abg anwarhadi plak). Huhu motif aku tulis bende ni share pengalaman kat sane dan utk adik2 yg bakal berkhidmat utk negare…yg sedang bingung, frust kencang, yg rase KENAPA AKU TERPILIH? APE KE MALANG NYE DAKU ? yg rase malas nye nak pergi atau dlm keadaan oh-mai-got 3bulan??? Hehe..dun worry itu sume adalah perasaan aku jugak. At first, memang itu jela yg keluar dr mulut bile check online SEMAKAN PLKN-Tahniah! Anda terpilih untuk..blalalalal..tapi at the end serius cakap konpem korang tak nak balik kem pulak. Menangis2 mcm org gile tak nak balik-ini ayt hiperbola shj hehehe.

Mari aku share dgn korang 5 sebab kenapa PLKN itu best!
#p/s ringkas : utk lelaki dipanggil wira, perempuan dipanggil wirawati. Mule2 kelakar je dengar cikgu panggil “ wirawati nak pergi mne?” then ckp dalam hati “eh aku ke?” hahahaha lame2 dah biase.

1.Attend class.
Hehehe, class? What Aku smpai je sni, terkejut berok gak la. Ghupe nye ktorang WAJIB hadir ke class2 yg dsediakan. Mesti dlm otak korang, dok fikir PLKN ni mesti aktiviti fizikal je kan..Muke jadi HITAM itu jela mindset aku mule-mule. Okay ade banyak kelas ala mcm kat sekolah tu. Ade bilik2 cume nye, takde meja atau kerusi! Kami berterbangan dalam kelas.Itu sangat tidak logik. Jadi kami duduk-terlentang-terlunjur-terbaring macam2 gaya ade. Kuak lentang pon ada.

Ade banyak modul dketengahkan seperti class CB(character building),class kenegaraan and so on. Takpe ke aku type gini? aku ni memang suke  berbahasa English+melayu. Hehehe.Macam2 info dapat & yg best nye kami ni diberi peluang share pendapat, present kat depan, bergelak ketawa-huha-hua. Tapi depends kat cikgu kelas korang gak cane nak tarik minat kite-kite ni.Kalo dpt yg sporting abes, mmg terbaek la! Ade yg merungut kate tak best la kelas ni, rase malas nak pergi. Bagi aku, aku mmg paling suke dtg class sbb dapat byk ilmu baru yg tak dapat kat luar,ade music background stp kali masuk, then aku ni suke bercakap-peramah. So, senang cter korang masuk je PLKN rase sendri best ke  tak..haha wait tapi class ni sempoi sebab boleh bawak gitar masuk dan korang akan banyak berlakon sebenarnye…hihi

2. Buat ape yang tak pernah buat.
Wow! Apekahhh. Serius aku cakap, banyak bende masuk PLKN ni baru aku dapat buat. Contohnye hadoyy  teramat lah panjang kalo den nak kabo.

-menembak M-16
Inilah pengalaman paling best sebab bukan sume orang boleh pegang benda alah ni. Hehehe,berat hoi. Kene blaja camne nak gune, tembak sambil baring perhh. Style gtuh! Gelak hati jugak tengok wirawati yg jenis ayu-sopan-lembut menembak.hihihihi kalau wira tuh malas nak cter la, kami ade markah jugak tau berape banyak yg kena. The best part is, aku tersalah sasar pergi tembak orang sebelah punye papan. And yang lagi best, budak tuh wira adalah paling highest punye marks. So aku hangin gak la, tapi nak wt cemane sape suh kau tembak salah, tapi aku bangga sebab aku lah dye dapat markah tinggi. Hahahha wallahualam……

-kawad kaki : Sumpah aku cakap, kat sekolah dulu aku paling malas nak join kawad. Tak pernah nk amik tau ape tuh baris-kebelakang-pusing atau hormat-ke-kanan-hormat..ececehh macam aku ketua platun pulak. Tapi korang masuk je PLKN, confirm berkobar2 giler nak kawad espesialli bile dah nak dekat tarikh pertandingan by kompeni. Lupe nak inform kat sni ade 4 Kompeni, kau tanye lah kem kat Sarawak sekalipun, nama tetap same iaitu Alpha,Bravo,Charlie,Delta..korang akan dimasukkan lah kt salah satu kompeni dan akn bersaing gila-gila untuk menang setiap aktiviti

-berkayak dan berakit : masyukkk. Free-free je kau dapat main. Harapan la kalo nak maen kat luar konpem kene bayar. Setiap pelatih wajib ade test water-confident kat tasik. Hahaha tang ni aku nak gelak sebab pelbagai ragam aku tengok, ade yg terror menunjuk nunjuk-ade yang muke bapak cuak masuk air. Dun worry la korang ade safety first. Huhuhu. Kayak ade double-single dan ade perlawanan antare kompeni gak.Berakit mmg pengalaman aku yg pertama gler oh.

-sukan (bola tampar,bola sepak,takraw,bola jaring,futsal)
Kat sini aku nak highlight dekat futsal je.hhehehe disebabkan aku tak pernah main futsal sebelum ni. So sape kate wirawati lemah futsal? Kami la main paling ganas kot sampai kaki aku terseliuh perhh. Yang penting kompeni aku juara futsal. Ahahha sbb pengalaman aku penalti-telah menyumbang bakti satu gol kot. Bangga sket

-kembara halangan
Aku tak tahu nak cerita cmne mne ape tuh kembara halangan. Ape kata korang google sendiri type kembara halangan…hehehehe akan muncul lah gambo-gambo ape itu halangan2 yg terpaksa kami lalui baik wira atau wirawati.Payah hoii nak lepas. cume aku salute dekat wira sebab mampu habiskan dalam waktu yg amat singkat. Tabik spring la!!

Part ni best untuk sape-sape tak pernah masuk hutan, digigit binatang berbisa yg suke akan darah iaitu nyamuk-lalu kebun getah-jumpe ladang kambing-meredah sungai…then tidur satu malam pakai khemah yg kene drikan sendri. lain drpd yg lain..hahah entah ape ghupe khemah aku time uh. Korang akn diberi beg plkn, botol air ala2 askar..then kene masak aku takde hal nak masak..maggi pun jadi.hehehe then malam tuh buat la aktiviti pape…yg best mandi sungai..hoho

3. Ramai kenalan baru.
Of cos la, kalau pergi mane2 jumpe kawan baru kan? Sblm tuh, lupe nak mention kem aku adalah KEM PLKN PELANGI HILL RESORT,KERLING HULU SELANGOR. Dengar kate kem kami paling lawa sebab masih baru lagi then dgn view2 gunung-ganang,tasik yg indah walaupun jalan korang nak menuju ke kem ni penuh onak duri terperosok kat hutan.Promote kem jap, dpt komisen. Haha tak tipu plus, ade kolam air panas bersebelahan. Untung gile kan?huhu.. Pelatih2 kat sini sume datang dari Selangor sahaja utk siri aku la. Kalau siri lepas, satu Malaysia ade yang Kelantan,perlis,sabah sume. So agak keciwa jugak sebab kalau dapat membe jauh2 senang nk merantau nanti..ngee

Aku suke memerhatikan gelagat pelatih same ade wira mahupun wirawati. Nak kate aku ni kenal sume orang tak jugak, aku rapat sesetengah je. Kawan kawan ni mungkin bg pengalamn aku, mereka dtg dari pelbagai background. Aku suke dengar kisah hidup dorang..sebab itu yg lahir dari hati dorang asalkn mereka ikhlas nk share dgn aku. Oh!! Aku ni seorang pelatih penangguhan, hehehehhe so aku ni ibarat akak untuk mereka especially wirawati. Huhu sayang korang gile gile. Untung ramai kawan kenal sama bangsa cina-india. Sebab ape? Aku borak2 dengan pelatih wira india ni, dye kate dye keje mekanik, perh so dlm hati aku kalo kete aku rosak boleh dpt diskaun ni. Alih2 jumpe lagi sorang, u keje ape? I keje air-cond. ok gak tuh senang hidup ade kwn2 yg leh membantu. Hehe itu salah satu benefit je, ade je yg lain. Bukan focus tang tuh je k, plus mereka sgt friendly. Mostly kwn2 kat sni ramai yg dah bekerja and aku salute dgn dorang cane nak cari makan sebab bukan sume orang dlm kalangan yg senang-senang.Ha! orang yg dok katil sebelah aku kat dorm, Chinese gurl dye keje pramugari. Mcm2 keje ade…huhu

4.Kelas kerohanian
Okay, bagi muslim kat surau lah tempat nye hmpir setiap malam. Aku salute kem aku ni, sebab kami ade seorang ustaz yang sangat cool bagi pendapat individu aku la. Sebab ape?ustaz ni pandai tarik minat ktorg untuk lebih byk berfikir. Bukan asyik ceramah je, tapi diselang selikan dengan aktiviti lain. kadang2 ustaz bwk ktorg g duduk kat tepi tasik ramai2 berzikir smbil tengok keindahan alam time waktu lepas subuh.amacam? feel habis kot. Kat dalam surau dye ustaz, luar surau dye garang kot askar.heheheh.Kire nye diwajibkan setiap pelatih berjemaah untuk magrib dengan zohor. Kalau waktu2 lain, depends la. So, memang agak ketat, sbb setiap kali habis solat, ustaz akan check bilangan pelatih ikot kompeni kalau tak cukup memang…..umpphhh ler denda nye. Best la sbb blaja pengurusan jenazah, qiyamullai.. kelas membaca a-ba-ta..

Bukan sume orang pandai baca jawi mahupun al-quran. Atau pun solat. So aku rasa sangat2 bagus PLKN ni sebab first, bagi wirawati muslim wajib pakai tudung. Then kat sini, boleh blaja bacaan dlm solat..kire plg kurang pun, bile korang keluar PLKN ade improvement. Paling aku happy bile ade wirawati nak teruskan pkai tudung lepas habis kem. So proud of them! Ktorang pun ade kene hafal ayt2 juz amma..surah baqarah..memang bagus le..tapi yg ni sume pengalamn kat kem aku ler, kem org len tak tau la pulak cane..heheh

5.Pakaian Full Celoreng
Pernah pakai ke?? Hehehe baju ini sangat la payah gak nak pakai sebab secare formal, kene pakai inner dulu, then baju celoreng tebal, kene pakai SPIKE BOOT skali ko tau tak!! Paling penat nak pakai kasut sbb amik mase lame gak la, then ade belt..ade berey(topi) yang aku akan  pakai senget-benget-tahap selekeh kalau dah tak sempat sangat. Tapi bangga kot pakai baju ni bile ramai2 la…heheh bagi aku la..sesekali merase macam jadi askar pun ade. Bukan senang nak dpt peluang cenggini, plus utk pengetahuan korang, ktorang main kembara halangn pun pakai bju ni..hadoyy.
Sebelum pertandingan kawad kaki, akan ade sesi check pemakaian tau. Kat sini la, masing2 kene iron baju kasi tajam kaw kaw….then kilat kasut kaw kaw  30 minit (hahaha ni untuk aku) smpai nampk muke kau yg putih melepak tuh. Check berey senget ke tak, dan aku baru tau, ghupenye time ni muke kene serius takleh gelak. Padahal jurulatih yg check kami tuh, leh buat lawak smpai ktorang sengih2 gak la. Memang kne potong markah free2 je..

Jadi itu hanye sebahagian shaje pengalaman yg aku dpt kongsikan, cume kat sini aku nak suggest kat korang yang bakal pergi PLKN. Kau orang tak payah bawak pape!!! Eheheh bawak la bju selai dua dan yg penting2 je sebab ape?? Sebab sume nye diberi percume termasuk la kasut sukan,kasut tumit,kasut kelas,seluar baju kelas,seluar bju sukan,macam2222………..stokin,kiwi kasut sume dye bagi. Kau tak payah dok kemas beg2 macam seguni pegi PLKN. Itulah aku mase mule2 nak masuk. Hahaha GOOD NEWS!! Adik aku pun terpilih g PLKN..hahaha bagus la untuk dye. Hope korang enjoy masuk PLKN. Kalau sape2 yg teringin nak masuk tapi tak terpilih, ade boring volunteer untung korang. Sila isi sbb membe aku yg pramugari itu pun volunteer kot, =.=”

Last but not least, ape2 pun if korang pergi selain tempat dr PLKN ni sekalipun, pandai2 bawak diri. Sebagai muslim, solat jangan tinggal. Berkawan dengan sume orang tapi amik yg baek je yg tak elok dijauhkan. As long u ade prinsip yg dipegang,,insyaAllah everything goin fine..wabillahhi taufiq walhidayah wassalamualaikum w.b.t

Thanks for reading. #Hehehehe, and not forget congrats for my bro. Congrats for your result SPM. It's only the beginning, gudluck & all the best for your future. Insyaallah.

Monday, 19 March 2012

My classmate-superDuper-cool!

I wonder where they are right now.
We already separate in this second semester.
However, past memory will never deleted.
Keep always in my memory.
As long as our ukhuwwah remained closer.
And I know, later we will separate again. Different destiny.
May Allah bless each one of you.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

No title for this time.


What you said hurt me
I responded in anger
You meant to say you were sorry
You didn't
I meant to fogive you
I didn't.

What you did was so very wrong
I responded with harsh judgement
You meant to make amends
You didn't
I meant to be more understanding
I wasn't.

You meant to call or write
I waited hoping to hear from you
You got busy with life
You forgot
I meant to try again; to call or write
I didn't.


You said, "I might try to change and do better."
I said, "I won't budge you until I see your sorrow."
You said, "There is always tomorrow."
I said, "I will forgive on your tomorrow."
Our tomorrow never came
One of us died.


There is today
Don't hold on to yesterday
Don't count on tomorrow
It may not come
You have today
Don't let love and hope slip away :)

written by : can't remember the name. credit for you.

لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه
"None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself"

Memory- with Perkasateens member.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Gunung Brinchang wait for me!

Assalamualaykum guys & Salam 1 Love.

Last week i'd joined for hiking trip at the Cameron Highland. And it was totally awesome!!! [ I dunno how to elaborate more on it] Hahaha.

Actually, I joined it for last minute and I'm being the last person who registered before the brother who manages the activity said "Fullhouse!" Everything always last minute in my life.The program is under FST #Faculty Science & Technology, majority seniors-who in third years, except for our guide, who is seniors who already graduate. But they open up for those who want to join.

First thing, the seniors quite surprised because me and the gang was from FPQS student. Maybe, they do not know how strong physical and mental, fit we are. [ It's a lie statement].We hiked up to Gunung Brinchang start from 9.30 morning, from the parking bus to the water reservoir takes about 30minute.Let's enjoy our sweet picture. Teehee.

Everyone was so excited. Huuuu~
See the signs at the back? Yellow one. 
This our first check point. Ignore the colgate promotion.[mampus aku kalo bro tuh bace]
Everyone rest for a while, exhausted! Then took pictures together.

Alhamdulillah, the unexpected weather that day, Not rainy.
At last, we arrived at the peak of Mountain Berinchang!! About two hour and a half (forgot already). They should change the signboard.
Our picture together, one bus only. Smileeeee.
Surprisingly, there are many tourist uphere. They love more nature than us and they said Malaysians are so nice. Haha proud to be.
MasyaAllah beautiful! GREENN Day.
So here the tower to see all the views. Some cooked theirs maggi, some brings their TAPAU FOOD#Foods that you brings to somewhere else. Please be prepared and brings enough of food, especially mineral water.
Huhu and after one hour rest, we walked down through the road. For about 11km !! Fuhhh, and if you don't want to hike up, then u may choose to drive..
Along the journey, we also going through the tea farm. Owhh so cool.
We already jama' takhir our prayer. So you don't need to worry okay.Then after tired, we check into our best places. Wanna know where is it? Hahaha Sk convent hostel! Frankly speaking, I'm really miss our hostel moment. So everyone was enjoyed at that time. At night, we went for shopping at Pasar Malam Berinchang. The next day, we went back home!
The end of the story. Huhu. Perhaps its benefits to readers, you should be prepare mentally & physically. Wassalam :)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Chipsmore the series. Very very short-story

Bismillah, bi-idznillah.

As usual, I'm still thinking what should I need to update here. And also my "promise" before this, [please read my first post to know what is it all about], again I repeat, I'll keep my promise hokay!

Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute ( betoi ka ayat english aku ni? awat terok sangat)
 Actually,,, I have a short-story to tell.

In the middle of Kampung Selasih Teratak Empat Belas, they were two chipsmore. They know each other for quite long time.
From left : Cibbi marukochan & Princess Sue

They always  talked each other about their future life. Spend time together, spend money together too.
"Hmm, How is it after 10 years later?"..

Then, everything changed. Cibbi Marukochan found new friends. Cikmeezo, a sweet-cool-rock person.
She is the third chipsmore.

Princess Sue give up. She thought Cibbi doesn't want to friend with her anymore.
I'm alone. Its better for me to play game first.
Until one day, tadaaaaa SUPRISED!! 
We celebrated Princess bufday together. We enjoyed so much! Forget all the misunderstanding.
Starting from that, the three chipsmore become closer. Laughing, crying, shopping, melantak-ing together.
May the Ukhuwwah tied them together until Jannah, Ensyaallah.
The end.

Friday, 9 March 2012

When the boredness comes to the highest frequency !

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.

Assalamualaykum. Salam Yaumul Jumuah my beauty-cute-handsome readers! So, today i'm trying to get the mood of updating my sweet-simple-ugly blog. Wachaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa zumbabwe-zilakak! (cool isn't it? The sudden trademark I created? HAHA) How terrible it was.

At last, I got my NEW SPIRIT after i've done my blogwalking activities and I found that my other classmate blogs was really awesome! superb! much moreee bling-bling than me. And I just like, " Damn! how come theirs become such more better than me." very the superhot-PHD my feeling at that time. * PHD stand for : Perasaan Hasad Dengki [please add-in to your new vocabulary books]

So, actually I still don't know what to post. But i think, by upload some pictures here is the best way. Cause frankly speaking, i just love more pictures than read the text. It really does! Or perhaps i should start my sentence with "In my point of view...." because not everyone will agree with my statement. Dont you think guys? Teehee :) Except when someone mumbled their own stories in their own ways and it attract me to read it hundreds time. Ahhh, just love it!

Okay after few-fewwwww -few hours i'm trying to upload a pictures. It doesn't work! except this untitled one.

I'm so frustated because the line here was totallyyyyyyy pfffffft! Hmm no la, it just a symbol showing that how sad i am. Hhehehehe. Perhaps i will update later new story with full package of pictures after this! promise kay! Dun worry. Thanks for read. If u'olz read la, if not, who cares?? :DD